The Kingdom of Heaven — Week 1

Matthew 13:1-23: “Heart”

Discussion notes based on the sermon preached the morning of 6-3-22


Read the passage again and don’t forget to start your meeting in prayer.

Particularly ask that the Holy Spirit would guide your discussion and help you to apply what is said in Scripture to your lives today. Sermons are available on the St John’s website or YouTube channel.

Sermon points:

1. Listen to Jesus

2. Listen to understand

3. Listen to follow


How much do you hear messages in society like “You can achieve anything if you follow your dreams and put your mind to it”? What’s attractive about these messages? What do you do when you hear them?

How do you react to Jesus’s point that it’s a ‘gift’ if we’ve come to know God through Jesus? (v11)

Would you say you’ve grown in your understanding of Jesus and the gospel in the past year? Share with the group. (v12a)

How might crises, worries and/or wealth make it challenging for you to follow Jesus wholeheartedly in the coming months? (v21-23)


Pray for the Lord’s help to listen to him in his word everyday.

Praise God for his gracious gift of revealing himself.

Ask the Lord for the strength to follow him no matter what pressures or worries come our way.