
Should I give?

St John’s encourages all those who regularly worship with us to consider how they can contribute to the ministry of the church. There are many different ways of giving; time, talents and finances. The following information will help to inform you of the expenses of the church.

What should I give?

Take time to consider the Biblical guidelines and references below. Pray and ask God for guidance and a cheerful heart. Seek to be generous. Give!

Many people discover more about God’s generosity, love and provision as they give. If you are new to giving or have financial difficulties, begin small and plan to increase/review your giving over time.

Should I give to charities or to the church?

Many of the Biblical references to giving refer to gifts given to God and used for the work of the temple or the church. It is only God’s people who can finance the work of the church; we are not able to access other sources of funding. We take good care of your financial gifts and pass on a significant proportion to the work of the mission agencies and charities agreed by the PCC.

How should I give?

We do not pass around an offerings plate during the services. However there is an offerings box in the fellowship room by the blue board for anyone who’d like to give to St John’s. Gift Aid envelopes and further information available on the board beside it. Other ways of giving are mentioned below.

Cash or cheques placed in the offering box at the entrance to church on Sundays. Planned giving using weekly envelopes; standing orders, payroll or charity account giving.

If you pay tax then please complete a gift aid form. These are available from the Church Office, or downloading our Finance Leaflet (part 1) and Finance Leaflet (part 2).

Download finance leaflet

Our bank Details

Account name: St Johns Parochial Church Council

Bank: Barclays Bank plc, Westcombe Park Branch, Woolwich Group, PO Box 278, Woolwich SE18 6NU

Sort code: 20-98-57, Account number: 80775878, Registered charity no: 1132894

You can also give via PayPal

How is financial giving used?

How much it costs to finance St John’s:

Per week our expenses in 2022 = £8,650
Average weekly attendance approx 200 adults

Our annual expenditures are divided like this:

Parish Share (quota) 35%
Staffing 27%
Church Operations 38%

What is Mission Support?

St John’s gives away 11% of income. This is our expression of planned, generous and cheerful giving. This money supports individuals and organisations who work in a variety of places around the world sharing the Christian faith and serving the poor.

What is the Parish Share?

This is an amount of money that goes to the Diocese of Southwark (Church of England). The Parish Share is used to pay for the clergy, bishops, mission and ministry costs of the diocese.

Anything else?

We also have a Finance Pack available with further details about the churches budget and ways of giving; please contact the church office if you would like to request a copy.

You can contact the Church Office:

Phone 020 8305 0520

What the Bible says about Giving

Everything belongs to God
We are stewards of the wealth and resources God has given us; He is the owner.
1 Chronicles 29:11, 14 and Psalm 24:1

Giving is a thank offering to God
God is good: He is generous towards us. Financial giving is a biblical expression of thankfulness.
Psalm 107:1 and 116:17, Leviticus 7:12

Giving 10% of income was normal in the OT. The tithe (10%) was a generous proportion of income.
In the OT God asked his people to give back this regular proportion of the first fruits of their produce and wealth.
Leviticus 27:30 and Malachi 3:8-10

Generosity and cheerfulness are attitudes to giving encouraged in the NT
Jesus frequently encouraged and challenged people to give with generosity. Our attitude in giving is more important than the amount we give.
Luke 6:38 and 2 Corinthians 9:7

Regular planned giving was part of Christian discipleship in the early church
Paul encouraged Christians to develop a pattern of regular and committed giving building on the principles from the Old Testament.
1 Corinthians 16:2

Upcoming Events

10:15am Sunday Service

November 3 @ 10:15 am - 11:30 am

Inside Out: What is God Like?

November 3 @ 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

10:15am Sunday Service

November 10 @ 10:15 am - 11:30 am

Inside Out: What is God Like?

November 10 @ 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

Sunday Services

10:15am Morning Service

(In person and live online)

6:00pm Evening Service

(In person)