Prayer Groups

Start each day in prayer

Encountering the reality of God in prayer is exciting. Prayer opens up spiritual resources to help us and guide us through life. We are learning to pray and encourage you to find time to pray with others. We meet every weekday morning at 9.00am for 30 minutes – come and join us.

We are more than happy to pray with you during the week when the church is open Monday to Friday between 10.00am & 1pm.

Perhaps pause for a few minutes of prayer now.

We are happy to pray for you. You can send us a prayer request by emailing us at All requests will be dealt with in confidence and prayed for by a member of the pastoral team.

Our monthly prayer diary can be accessed via the PrayerMate App, find it here:

Daily Morning Prayers

Start the day with prayer. Join us Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in church, or Thursday on the Vanbrugh Park Estate at 9am for 30 minutes as we come together and pray for our community, our world and each other. All are welcome. These take a break over Christmas and school holidays.

Monthly Prayer Meeting

Praying together is a crucial dimension to our life together. Our monthly prayer meeting is an expression of our commitment to pursuing God’s agenda for our lives, our world and our church. Please come and join us as we gather before God praying in groups and individually at 8pm on the second Monday of every month.

Upcoming Events

Sunday Services

10:15am Morning Service

(In person and live online)

6:00pm Evening Service

(In person)