Acts 8:26-40: Speak to those who are seeking

Discussion notes based on the sermon preached the evening of 26-6-22


Read the passage again and don’t forget to start your meeting in prayer.

Particularly ask that the Holy Spirit would guide your discussion and help you to apply what is said in Scripture to your lives today. Sermons are available on the St John’s website or YouTube channel.

Sermon Outline

Acts 8:26:40 – Speak to those who are seeking


In what ways do you feel scared to speak of Jesus and why?

1. Looking at the passage, in what ways is the Ethiopian such an unlikely convert? What does this teach us?
2. What does Philip’s actions teach us about being ready to speak of Jesus?
3. Look carefully at verses 31-34, how would you share the good news of Jesus using Isaiah 53.7-8?
4. ‘The Lord is the one who leads’ in witnessing, where do we see that in the passage? Share some experiences of the Lord leading you to speak of Jesus? What is God’s role and what is our role in outreach?
5. Why is baptism (vv 36-38) an appropriate response to belief?
6. What is surprising about verses 39-40 and how does this help us in our witness to Jesus?


Spend some time praying for opportunities to speak of Jesus, and that we might be available to the Lord’s leading.