Dear Church Family,

Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.’ – John 11.25-26

It is with great sadness that we have received the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen who has been there for us all for longer than most of us have lived. Our beloved Queen will be remembered for her faith, her devotion to her peoples, to this nation and to the Commonwealth of Nations and there will be opportunities in the coming days and weeks for us all to express our heartfelt thanks for her life and example. We pray that God will comfort The Royal Family at this time. We are confident that Her Majesty the Queen is safe with the Lord Jesus and will rise as one of his people.

I fully appreciate that this news will come as a shock and with deep sadness. In order to help with the heartfelt sense of grief, the church building will be open during the course of the weekend and into next week for people to drop in for prayer and reflection, and we will also be opening a book of condolence in due course.

A prayer on the death of Her Majesty The Queen:

Gracious God, we give thanks
for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,
for her faith and her dedication to duty.
Bless our nation as we mourn her death
and may her example continue to inspire us;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Please be assured of my prayers at this sad and uncertain time.
Yours in Christ,